U.S. Bishops’ International Justice and Peace Chairman Calls for Peaceful and Credible Elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo

By Parish Admin

WASHINGTON – In anticipation of Democratic Republic of Congo’s national elections December 20, Bishop A. Elias Zaidan of the Maronite Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on International Justice and Peace, has joined the Congolese Catholic Bishops’ Conference (CENCO) in their call for free and fair elections.

“For years the people of the Congo have worked to build a democratic country, in which the Congolese can participate freely and effectively in the political process of self-governance. The local Catholic Church has been in the forefront of these efforts to ensure free and fair elections. Our committee has been privileged to walk in solidarity with the Church in the Congo to support their efforts.

“In continuance of our support of the local Church during this tumultuous time of DRC’s election, we call on all people of good will in the Congo to work tirelessly to hold peaceful and credible elections. We call on international partner countries and organizations monitoring the elections to support the Congolese bishops’ efforts to ensure that the voice of the people is accounted for and fully respected.

“In this season of Advent, may the promises of Our Emmanuel, be among the people of the DRC – that peace and the furtherance of the common goodwill flourish.”
