U.S. Bishops’ President Pleads for Peace as Innocent People are Killed in the Land of Jesus’ Birth

By Parish Admin

WASHINGTON – In the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, news reports emerged today that two women were killed, and others injured when a Catholic church and convent in Gaza City were attacked. Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, and president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops pleaded for peace:

“At this holy time of Advent in anticipation of the birth of the Prince of Peace, it is with great sadness and horror that we continue to witness the death and destruction of innocent people in the land of Our Lord’s birth. Such violence must not continue. Following the mistaken killing of Israeli hostages and now, the killing of two Christian women and the wounding of others inside Holy Family Parish in Gaza, we call for an immediate cessation of all hostilities, the release of hostages, and for earnest negotiations towards a peaceful resolution of this conflict.

“We resolutely join our voices with the Holy Father, Pope Francis, reminding all parties in this conflict, that war is never the answer but always a defeat. We plead, ‘peace, please peace!’”

According to a statement from the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, a majority of Christian families have taken refuge inside the Catholic parish located inside Gaza City since the start of the war.
