Welcome to St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, a vibrant community centered on Christ, welcoming all and embracing diverse cultures in faith together.
7:30 AMEnglish
9:00 AMEspañol
11:00 AMEnglish
1:00 PMEspañol
6:00 PMEspañol
7:30 PMPortuguese
Saturdays5:00 PM English
Monday- Saturday8:30 AM English
Monday-Friday7:00 PM Español
Tuesday6:30 PM Español
Thursday6:30 PM Español
Saturday8:00 AM & 4:00 PM
“Our spirits rejoice in God our Savior.”
(Luke 1:47)

Mission Statement
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church in Miami is committed to nurturing a community of faith, compassion, and service, guided by the teachings of Jesus Christ and the rich traditions of the Catholic Church. Our mission is to cultivate spiritual growth, advocate for social justice, and create a welcoming sanctuary where individuals are embraced, encouraged, and equipped to live out their faith through worship, fellowship, and impactful outreach to our local and global communities.


Father, in you loving plan for our eternal salvation, you provide shepherds for your flock, Fill your Church with the spirit of courage, justice, and peace.

Call forth from the Church in Miami worthy ministers of your altars, ardent but gentle shepherds of the gospel.

We pray that those whom you call may never lose awareness of the dignity and need of their vocation.

The Most Reverend Thomas G. Wenski, D.D.

Archbishop of Miami