Author: Parish Admin

Thursday of the First Week of Advent

By Parish Admin

Reading 1 Is 26:1-6 On that day they will sing this song in the land of Judah: “A strong city have we;he sets up walls and ramparts to protect us.Open up the gatesto let in a nation that is just,one that keeps faith.A nation of firm purpose you keep in peace;in peace, for its trust…

USCCB President on Anniversary of Ukraine’s Voluntary Relinquishing of Its Nuclear Arsenal

By Parish Admin

WASHINGTON – Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, and president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has issued a statement commemorating the thirtieth anniversary of Ukraine’s voluntary relinquishing of its nuclear arsenal, highlighting the country’s courage in envisioning a world free of nuclear weapons.  “Thirty years ago…

Memorial of Saint Francis Xavier, Priest

By Parish Admin

Readings for the Memorial of Saint Francis Xavier, Priest Reading 1 Is 11:1-10 On that day,A shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse,and from his roots a bud shall blossom.The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him:a Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,A Spirit of counsel and of strength,a Spirit of knowledge and…