Category: Daily Readings

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Saturday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time

By Parish Admin

Reading 1 Jas 5:13-20 Beloved:Is anyone among you suffering?He should pray.Is anyone in good spirits?He should sing a song of praise. Is anyone among you sick?He should summon the presbyters of the Church,and they should pray over himand anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord.The prayer of faith will save the sick…

Friday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time

By Parish Admin

Reading 1 Jas 5:9-12 Do not complain, brothers and sisters, about one another,that you may not be judged.Behold, the Judge is standing before the gates.Take as an example of hardship and patience, brothers and sisters,the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord.Indeed we call blessed those who have persevered.You have heard of the…

Thursday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time

By Parish Admin

Reading 1 Jas 5:1-6 Come now, you rich, weep and wail over your impending miseries.Your wealth has rotted away, your clothes have become moth-eaten,your gold and silver have corroded,and that corrosion will be a testimony against you;it will devour your flesh like a fire.You have stored up treasure for the last days.Behold, the wages you…

Wednesday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time

By Parish Admin

Reading 1 Jas 4:13-17 Beloved:Come now, you who say,“Today or tomorrow we shall go into such and such a town,spend a year there doing business, and make a profit”–you have no idea what your life will be like tomorrow.You are a puff of smoke that appears briefly and then disappears.Instead you should say,“If the Lord…

Tuesday of the Seventh Week of Ordinary Time

By Parish Admin

Reading 1 Jas 4:1-10 Beloved:Where do the wars and where do the conflicts among you come from?Is it not from your passions that make war within your members?You covet but do not possess.You kill and envy but you cannot obtain;you fight and wage war.You do not possess because you do not ask.You ask but do…

Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church

By Parish Admin

Reading I Gn 3:9-15, 20 After Adam had eaten of the tree,             the LORD God called to him and asked him, “Where are you?” He answered, “I heard you in the garden;             but I was afraid, because I was naked,             so I hid myself.” Then he asked, “Who told you that you…